The Polar Bear Princess’s Snowflake Crown

Once upon a time in the Arctic so wide,
Where the moon glowed bright and stars would slide,
Lived a Polar Bear Princess, kind and fair,
With snowflake gems woven into her hair.

Her crown was special, a magical thing,
Made of snowflakes that danced on the wing.
Each flake unique, sparkling with grace,
A gift from the skies, her rightful place.

But one chilly morning, as dawn broke anew,
Her crown was missing—no one knew!
“Oh, where could it be?” she cried with despair,
“Without it, I’m lost in this frosty air.”

She called for her friends, the penguins and seals,
And told them her sorrow, how lost she feels.
“We’ll help you, dear Princess,” the animals said,
And off they went with courage ahead.

First to the cliffs where the wind loves to play,
“Perhaps the crown floated here on the spray.”
But all they found was a whispering breeze,
Tickling their noses and making them sneeze.

Next to the forest, with trees made of frost,
“Let’s look here, my friends, for what’s been lost.”
Among glittering branches, they searched high and low,
But no crown was found in the sparkling snow.

Finally, they reached the Aurora’s glow,
Where magical lights put on a show.
“Could the crown have drifted up to the sky?”
The Princess wondered with a hopeful sigh.

“Oh, crown of mine, wherever you are,
Come back to me, my guiding star!”
Her words floated up, soft as a dream,
And then, a sparkle—a glimmering beam.

Down from the sky, her crown did descend,
Brought by a snow owl, her dearest friend.
“I found it aloft, caught in the breeze,
A treasure too precious for faraway seas.”

With her crown restored, the Princess did beam,
“Thank you, my friends, for chasing this dream.
Together we’ve proven that through and through,
Kindness and friendship will see us through.”

And so, the Princess wore her crown once more,
Her heart filled with joy, her spirit did soar.
Under the lights of the Arctic sky,
They danced and laughed till the night passed by.

And so ends our tale, with a lesson profound:
True treasures are those who gather around.
In the coldest of lands, warmth can be found,
In friendship and love that always surround.

Goodnight, little dreamer, now close your eyes,
And dream of the Arctic’s shimmering skies.