The Star That Lost Its Shine

Once upon a night so still and deep,
In the velvet sky where stars often sleep,
There lived a star named Luma Bright,
Who dazzled the world with her golden light.

But one day she felt her sparkle fade,
As if her light had been mislaid.
“Why am I dim?” she whispered low,
And set off to find her missing glow.

Through the Milky Way she flew with care,
Past planets and comets and galaxies rare.
“Have you seen my glow?” she asked the moon,
Who hummed a soft and sleepy tune.

“Your glow, dear star, is not truly gone,
It lies within—you must journey on.”
So Luma wandered through the night,
Seeking the spark to reignite her light.

She met a cloud who danced in rain,
And a wise old tree who spoke of pain. “Sometimes, little star,” the tree did say, “You must rest before you find your way.”

So Luma paused in the silent skies,
And let her heart listen, not just her eyes.
In the stillness, she heard her own song,
A melody that had been there all along.

Her glow returned, soft but true,
A light reborn, fresh and new.

“The shine I sought was never far,
It lived within, my guiding star.”

And so she sparkled brighter than before,
Lighting up dreams from shore to shore.
The lesson she learned, she’d never forget:
Sometimes, we shine brightest when we reset.

So if you ever feel your light grow dim,
Close your eyes and look within.
For magic and shine, like stars in the night,
Are born from the heart’s gentle light.

Goodnight, little dreamer. Shine bright!