Welcome, dear dreamers, to a land of delight,
Where the Koala King rules in the soft moonlight.
A kingdom of calm where sleep is the law,
Under eucalyptus trees so full of awe.

When the sun starts to dip, the day turns to rest,
And the Koala King’s rhymes are surely the best.
They drift on the breeze, so gentle and sweet,
Guiding all creatures to dreams they’ll meet.

“Goodnight, little wombat, your day has been bright,
Now cuddle up close, and sleep through the night.”
His voice is a whisper, a melody low,
Wrapping the land in a nighttime glow.
From possums to platypuses, near and far,
Each listens in silence, no matter where they are.
Even the kookaburra stops his loud cheer,
To snuggle and dream as bedtime draws near.

“The secret,” he says, “is so simple and clear:
A rhyme, a cuddle, and dreams that appear.”
Each joey and critter, in a pouch or a bed,
Dreams of soft meadows and clouds overhead.
The Koala King yawns and stretches his paws,
Climbing his throne without a pause.
“Goodnight, my dear friends, sleep tight, drift away,
Tomorrow will bring a brand-new day.”

So, dear little dreamer, as you rest your head,
Think of the King’s rhymes softly said.
Dream of his kingdom, so cozy and bright,
And drift into slumber. Sweet dreams and goodnight.