Strawberry Stars and Marshmallow Moons

Far up high in the candy sky,
Lived two little clouds who loved to try,
To make sweet treats for all to see,
From sugary stars to marshmallow tea.

Puffy and Fluff were their funny names,
And making desserts was their favorite game.
With whisks of wind and frosting so bright,
They’d craft tasty stars in the velvet night.

One day, Fluff sighed, “The stars don’t glow!
Let’s add some sparkle so they truly show!”
So they whipped up a batch with strawberry pink,
And sprinkled some stardust with a magical wink.

As the stars twinkled and danced around,
The moon peeked out, wearing a frown.
“Why do the stars get all the cheer?
I’m just a plain moon hanging here!”

Puffy and Fluff gave a little grin,
“Let’s make the moon smile from within!”
With marshmallow cream and a dash of delight,
They crafted a moon that glowed so bright.

The stars giggled and the moon beamed wide,
“Thank you, dear clouds! You filled me with pride!”
Now every night, in the candy-lit sky,
The moon and the stars wave to passersby.

So if you look up and see the moon’s glow,
And stars like strawberries putting on a show,
Think of Puffy and Fluff’s sugary art,
And dream of sweet treats straight from the heart.